I wish writing were easier

Jana Termos
2 min readApr 10, 2024
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I wish writing was easier. I wish there was a way to generate the ideas more easily. I wish my thoughts flowed more clearly. I wish I knew how to word things more coherently. I wish I knew more words. I wish I read more. I wish the process was simpler. I wish my grammar was naturally correct, every time.

But if it were as easy as I wished for it to be, would I still want to do it? Or would it be too boring? Too predictable?

The challenging part in things is what makes them more enjoyable. It’s the lows that make the highs feel as good as they do.

It’s not just writing though. Taking part in a creative endeavor can devour you if you let it. There’s this constant urge to create something beautiful, and the constant expectation to produce something better than the one before. There’s a sort of frustration, when you haven’t come up with a ‘great’ idea in a while. And you start to question if you’re just getting generally worse at this thing you call your passion.

But the truth is that you are always exactly where you need to be. You are always the best at the present moment, where you are, with whatever you may have.



Jana Termos

writing and running keep me sane. I’ve always felt like I have too many thoughts, writing helps me understand myself better.