Who we are: a poem

Jana Termos
4 min readMay 27, 2024


Art by David Shrigley

I’m at that age where the question of who I am pounds my brain

I think about the choices I make

And how much of them are based off of other people

Each one of them, leading me to a different terrain

It seems as though the people make the choices for me

Sometimes I wish I knew who I was

Without the factor of other people

But maybe there’s no other way it could be

Maybe we really are the results of the people we’ve met

And the places we’ve been

The laughs and the tears

And the memories we have left

We recognize people’s idiosyncrasies

And unconsciously, we act upon them

We take something from everywhere we go

And along the way, we discover new identities

Some days are good

And some days I can hardly keep my shoulders straight

Some days are good

And some days all I can rely on is fate

Some days are good

And some days I can hardly say hello

Some days are good

And some days I would rather travel solo

Some days are good

And some days I can hardly go to the grocery store

Some days are good

And some days picking an outfit feels like a chore

I think about who I am

How I smile

How I laugh

How I cry

And how I only eat peanut butter when it’s with jam

I’ve learned that it’s okay to take things from people

Under the condition of adding twists and changes

To our preferences

Otherwise, life would be too simple

I think about who we are when we’re alone

And who we are when we’re together

Are we different, or are we the same?

I don’t want to rhyme anymore

I don’t want to post an Instagram story

I don’t want a Spotify premium

I don’t want to read books in public

I don’t want to make a Tik Tok

I don’t want to match my outfit

Or buy a car

I’d rather stay mysterious

I don’t want to be mysterious

I’d rather be loud and courageous

I don’t want to be loud and courageous

I’d rather be cool and funny

I don’t want to be cool and funny

I’d rather be a creative

I don’t want to be a creative

But who do I want to be

Who do we want to be

And why

And how

I think about those things

I no longer like those things

I think about who we are as humans

What we’re here to do

Each and every one of us

How we grow and flourish into the people that we become

Constantly evolving and constantly going from one stage to another

If only we let ourselves

I think that the conclusion I came down to was that

We are all so deeply flawed

In such different ways

In ways that we cannot comprehend

Nor describe

But we are also the writers of our own stories

Continuously going from one point to another

Constantly fighting obstacles along the way

We are all so deeply wounded

But there is beauty in our wounds

And that is the beauty of life

That we are as flawed as we are

As wounded as we are

And yet we are here

Every day,

We have the rest of the day to ourselves

And we make choices

Choices, that end up defining us

Choices, that make up who we are

And every day,

We are who we choose to be

And the highs only feel as good as they do

After we endure the depth of the lowest of lows

There is beauty in finding our way back

And, we will

We do

We always do

We always find our way back

And we become different when we do

Because we grow

And every time we grow,

We are different than who we used to be

A newer version than what was

And every day,

We are writing the pages of our stories

We are directing the scenes of our movie

We are calling the shots

We are contributing a verse to our play

And we are deciding,

what our verses will be

Trust that you will find your way again

And that one day,

failure will become something you learn from and not fear

Understand your potential

Become aware of your opportunities

Know that, where you are now isn’t your forever

You are who you make yourself out to be

Trust in who you are



Jana Termos

writing and running keep me sane. I’ve always felt like I have too many thoughts, writing helps me understand myself better.