You’re not meant to have it all figured out

Jana Termos
6 min readMar 11, 2023


Before Sunrise

I sometimes feel like I can sit and write forever about absolutely nothing. I can talk forever about nonsense, things that don’t really matter, but only matter so much. I often ask myself why I like writing so much, and it’s usually this love for the ability to put your thoughts out there, and share a certain message with people, that you think is so important. And I believe, it makes me happiest when I’m able to feel as if I’m working towards reaching my full potential in the sense of the creativity of my mind, and passion inside my soul.

Do what you love, and really commit to it, even if you’re not so sure about it

What I enjoy so much is that I don’t know whether I’m even good at it or not, but maybe that’s the beauty of it. I find most interest in my life whenever I hop on journeys and paths in which I don’t know where they’ll be taking me.

One of my favorite content creators, Matt D’avella, talks about how one’s life depends on the amount of risks they take, and that essentially affects how boring or interesting it is. That, if your life feels so boring, maybe it’s because you stay too much inside your comfort zones, in the boxes that people put you in. But, he also touches on the idea that you need to take strategic risks, because your life is at stake. Meaning that, you shouldn’t really have a “YOLO” mentality, but also do do “YOLO” things.

So what if it doesn’t make sense to people why you’re doing it. So what if you’re not that good at it. If you stop now then you’ll never really know how potentially good you could have been at it, so why not try and be good — as long as you’re enjoying it.

Consequences of failure

We have become so afraid of failure, that it almost limits us from living the life we truly want. But so what if you fail? Really sit back and think about the worst case scenario in your leap of faith, is it really all that bad?

Whenever I have a race, I always get unconsciously super nervous, but I have learned a greatly effective way in dealing with it, that I also began using in real life situations.

I start to think about what I’m really afraid of, and I envision the worst case scenarios in my head, and how I would react to them. After a while of doing this, I became almost immune to my nervousness. The worst case scenario almost became a friend, and I wasn’t so afraid of it after all. I noticed how I’m not really the main character. That, things are actually happening to everyone, and everyone is dealing with them. So.. what makes me so different? In accepting that you’re not alone, you become far more confident within yourself and any situation at hand.

Situations and things, life and its great mystery

You can sit there for hours, days, years, questioning why this specific thing happened, and if only it hadn’t‎, or did, then how differently your life would have been. But questioning won’t really change anything, except for make you more stressed out. The thoughts of what could’ve been will trouble your days and maybe even haunt you forever.

It can be a real struggle, to move on, and try to learn from the whole situation. It takes lots of time to even realize that it was such a small little bump in the grand scheme of things, that it really wasn’t as big of a deal you though it was, in that moment. How does one truly find it though? That certainty in knowing that you will get over this, that it did happen for a reason, that you will move on to bigger things. How do you, in that moment, guarantee so much control in your mind, in knowing that everything is and will be okay?

People have their different ways of responding to things, for some it’s meditating, for others it’s journaling, or music, or exercise; But we all know that, in that moment, in the depth of despair, in the heat of it all, your mind cannot comprehend a single thought at once.

“Your anger is the part of you that knows your mistreatment and abuse are unacceptable.

Your anger knows you deserve to be treated well, and with kindness. Your anger is a part of you that loves you.” — Lyndsey Gallant

Becoming okay with anything and everything

The truth lies not in your good days only, but in practicing your response to everything within day to day life. This means finding true meaning, and value in creating peace within yourself. In accepting your situation as is, and loving it for what it is, because everything that you have been through, every stage that life put you through, has shaped who you are.

The way to practice it is by practicing being alone, and enjoying it. Being okay with sitting with your thoughts, for long periods of time. Accepting who you are fully, and truly fall in love with your life.

“You’re not stuck. You’re just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they helped you in the past. Now those behaviors have become more harmful than helpful. The reason why you can’t move forward is because you keep applying old formula to a new level in your life. Change the formula to get a different result.” — Emily Maroutian

Stop longing for the perfect life, because life isn’t meant to be perfect

You won’t get anything out of a happy, fulfilling life. Even though we all aspire for that, if we were to have it, we would still complain. It is in our human nature, to not be fully satisfied with anything. In truly understanding that, you’re able to balance your state of emotions. Learning how to not get too ecstatic on the highs, nor too frustrated at the lows, because you have faith that there will always be a hint of suffering within every state of joy. Eventually, you’ll find stability, a homeostasis between all emotions.

It seems as if we all have hope for a certain life, and maybe this is truer for teenagers. But, at that stage in life, maybe in the stage of “I think I know it all but really I have no idea what it all is”, we have so much hope. Hope for a better life, for individuality, for independence, a life without one controlling, but us. And what’s funny is that, when we do have that, we always tend to reminisce the days when we didn’t. And this goes back to saying that we will never be fully satisfied. So, why worry about it in the first place? Maybe the perfect life is just the one we’re living in, the things that happen are meant for us and only us, because there’s no other way it could’ve been.

Be grateful for all the pain and suffering you went through

Pain builds character. Pain makes us stronger. It defines us. Truly, makes us who we are. One can never go through the highs, feeling as good as they do, without having been through the lowest of lows. And with time, we only learn more and more how to deal with things.

Learn to be okay with everything… that nothing can really bother you. Not everything happens for a reason but everything does happen for a reason. That doesn’t mean that we can sit there, do nothing, and say that everything happens for a reason. But rather, live life, thoroughly, with all that we can do, and all that we’re capable of doing, and when things happen, move on, because they were meant to happen, to teach you a lesson. Sit with your pain, and let it be. Let it open new doors in your life and help you create wonderful attributes in you that you never knew were possible.

I feel the pain

But I transform it

Into colors

Into poems

Into prayers

Into songs

Into dance

Into a portal

To return

Home. — note to self



Jana Termos
Jana Termos

Written by Jana Termos

writing and running keep me sane. I’ve always felt like I have too many thoughts, writing helps me understand myself better.

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